Dr. Ann Monis is the Chief Executive Officer of Transformative Healthcare Solutions and its affiliated enterprises, including the Mental Health Center of Florida and her latest venture, Medical Anti-Aging. These entities deliver comprehensive psychological care for a broad spectrum of mental health issues and disorders across FL, GA, and SC through both in-office and telehealth talk therapy. With a team of over ninety fully credentialed therapists, THS and MHCFL provide compassionate care to seniors, adults, children, and families.

Dr. Monis, affectionately known as Dr. Ann to her patients and colleagues, founded the non-profit Florida Mental Health Coalition (FMHC) to address the pressing mental health needs of vulnerable seniors, adults, at-risk youth, and first responders. Her motivation for establishing FMHC was to be a guiding light in the mental health sector, especially during the pandemic and times of financial uncertainty.

An alumnus of Harvard Business School's prestigious OPM program, Dr. Ann also holds an MBA and a Doctorate in Clinical and Forensic Psychology. In her private practice, she is a highly regarded clinical provider for a niche clientele, including financiers, corporate executives, lawyers, and professional athletes. She specializes in substance abuse, anger management, performance improvement, and mental health tune-ups, offering discreet services tailored to this demanding population.

Dr. Ann's career encompasses extensive training in individual, group, and family therapy, and she is experienced in all areas of assessment and evaluation, including forensic psychology. Her expertise spans substance abuse, forensic psychology, sex offender evaluation and treatment, and on-site emergency crisis intervention. She is certified by the Supreme Court of Florida as a Family Mediator and qualified as a Parenting Coordinator under statutory guidelines. Additionally, she is trained as a neutral mental health professional in collaborative law and as a Guardian Ad Litem by the Florida Bar Family Section. Dr. Ann has conducted numerous Social Investigations and Risk Assessments for the Florida court system and provided ongoing Clinical and Forensic testimony for the U.S. Government (SSA) nationwide.

Beyond her professional achievements, Dr. Ann is dedicated to mentoring emerging psychologists, offering her knowledge and experience to Pre-Doctoral Interns and Post-Doctoral Residents through her practices. Her firms are approved by the American Psychological Association and the American Association of Psychology Post-Doctoral and Internship Centers. She also donates her time, expertise, and services to various charitable organizations throughout South Florida.

Certified in Peptide and Regenerative Medicine by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), Dr. Ann's dedication to the mental health community has earned her national recognition, with features in Yahoo, Lifestyle Media Group, South Florida Business & Wealth, and PR Newswire.